
Showing posts from March, 2009

Practice the art of extreme self care.

The Best kind of day is when you wake up and know who you are, what you want and where you're going. You step in to that vision everyday knowing the end result. If you don't have any goals, I suggest you spend some time writing some out. " If you don't know where you are going, you're already there" Sometimes my thoughts jump all over the place. I'm not focused and my day doesn't go very well. Sound familiar? Maybe something happened I'm obsessing about or I slept in and fell off my routine or one of the kids are sick. We all have days when we get thrown off our path. I seem to have conversations I don't want to have with people I don't want to have them with. I seem to do things I don't want to do. I'm reluctant. Lots of maybe's but no definite Yes's. We have to be really nurturing and kind to ourselves on these days. I have a list of enjoyable activities. Things I love to do. When I'm...

Tip #10 See God Everywhere

I go to church, I am a Christian. I teach Sunday school. My kids are in Sunday school and in the church choir and we have good friends there. I believe in Jesus and we celebrate Christmas and Easter as holy days.... However, I do not believe that Jesus is the only way to God. I know people who do not belong to any organized religion whatsoever, who feel more connected to God than many people do. Who was it that said “kindness is my religion” ? Or as Abraham Lincoln quoted ”When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad I feel bad. That is my religion" Walt Whitman puts it eloquently I say to mankind Be not curious about God, For I, who am curious about each am not curious about God. I hear and behold God in every object, Yet understand God not in the least. Many people look outside of themselves for God. Where is he.. I don’t see him. When I was a young girl I remember looking up in to vastness of the sky and thinking to myself, there is no way any God made any of this. But now I see ...

Tip #9 Invite many still moments into your life

Creating a daily habit of quiet space isn't just a good idea. It's the mother of all good ideas. Are you one of these people that always has the radio on when you're driving? Do you have the TV going in the background even if you're not watching it? We're so busy escaping from these peaceful opportunities that we miss the advantage of being alone and connecting to our core. What does that really do for us? Well for one thing it's very calming. It's like floating on your back down a river. Sounds peaceful doesn't it? Another reason it's a great idea is because our intuition; our sense of well being, our answers reside inside of us. Not in the noisy world around us. Life is pretty hustle bustle for most people. We're working, running errands, doing chores and taking care of responsibilities. We listen, read and talk and there really isn't much time left for ourselves. But there are still many missed opportunities we can grab to quiet our mind...

Tip #8 Love your dark side

We want to hide parts of ourselves away in the dark. We don't want anyone to see that we are wounded, afraid or flawed in some way. When we deny and reject these aspects of ourselves they keep showing up in our life. Whatever we resist persists. It's easy to love all the bright and good qualities about ourselves. The self loathing comes when we hide away a part of ourselves. We don't own and embrace and love the totality of our nature. Everyone has a dark side and light side. Your shadow is the person you'd rather not be. How do you know what your shadow is? Carl Jung says Whatever irritates you about others, is just an aspect of yourself that you haven't yet embraced. Is there a quality in others that you despise? Do you dislike controlling people. What personality trait really gets you going? Is it inconsiderate or selfish people? Maybe it's lazy peope or suspicious people. These are all clues. Whatever you can't be with, won't le...

Tip #7 Choose Powerful Interpretations

"I am determined to be happy and cheerful for whatever situation I find myself in for I have learned that the greater part of happiness or misery lies in our dispositions and NOT on our circumstances." Eleanor Roosevelt I always try and live by this quote. I find that it can be very powerful for me when I am stuck in my story. We all have lots of drama going on in our lives. Some worse than others. I find for me it gets quiet for awhile and then another bomb goes off. Families can be really bad for that. It helps me to remember that I can react everytime something happens or I can stop and just observe. I'm learning to let go of my needing anything to any different then it is. To let go of my needing anyone to be any different then the way they are is simply just practice and catching yourself doing it. I find it liberating not to react to things going on around me. I don't isolate and I don't cop an attitude. I just observe and stay in the present moment. It giv...

Tip #6 Give up your personal story to allow the personal you are becoming to emerge.

Many people are bound by their stories. when I say stories, I mean the reason for our circumstances. Our current situations. Our past. This is the reason I'm where I am today. We hang on to these stories because we wouldn't know who we were otherwise. This is counterproductive. I think in order to be deliriously happy we have to be willing to give up our stories. Be willing to die daily as the saying goes. We give up these stories because they keep us stuck. We can stay in less than desirable circumstance for years if we don't recognize when we are in our stories. It's our excuse for why our life isn't the way we want it to be. You might be the person who lost your job or whose husband took off on you or the soul caregiver of a loved one in your family. Reality for some, you might say. But what if we were willing to say. Okay here is the situation I'm in. This has happened and here is what I'm going to do to make my life great. Circumstances don't real...

Tip #5 Do more of what's working and less of what isn't.

People make this far too complicated and it's really stupidly simple. What fills you up? Do more. What sucks the life out of you? Do less. I quit smoking and drinking 5 years ago. Why? Because it no longer served my highest good. I felt physically ill from smoking and whenever I drank I'd have a huge headache and be dehydrated the next day. I would self loath for days afterwards about all the idiotic conversations I had. This wasn't good for me. This wasn't good for anybody. I also quit watching TV and the news because I find it's draining. The other night we were in a hotel to catch an early morning flight and my sister-in-law wanted to watch American Idol. I felt awful for those youngs guys and girls up there singing their hearts out only to have Simon Coward trash them afterwards. "You have a terrible voice." "That was the worse song I've ever heard". "You don't belong on this stage" Blah blah. Watching public humiliation and...

Tip # 4 Consult your Top 5 values when making important decisions

Stephen Covey puts it eloquently: Once you decide what you are about, what you value, what you treasure, you've automatically got guidelines. You've developed the criteria for making all the decisions in your life. Write the program. So you begin by making a list of these values. What's important to you about life? What's important to you about living? What legacy do you want to leave behind? What are some of things that you take for granted, that if you didn't have them, your life would fall apart? If you were going to die tomorrow, what have you experienced or accomplished that has meant the most to you? I realize that these aren't exactly deliriously happy questions to ask yourself. However, the answers will show you what your values are. After you have at least 10 answers, circle your top 5 and write them down. Put them somewhere so that you refer to them often and whenever you need to make a decision. Your values will change over time and that's perfec...

Tip #3 Be grateful for what you have and eager for more.

If you want to be deliriously happy, one of things that helps tremendously is to make a daily practice of listing all the things that you're grateful for. I probably have at least 500 things that I am grateful for but I usually write about 10 every day. Sometimes it's the top 10. Other times they're different. It doesn't matter. As long as you are in a state of gratitude. It could be writing a gratitude list, journalling the happiest moment of your day or remembering someone special. You will feel much better after doing this and even though you could be having a bad day, this will be an automatic pick me up and a reminder that you still have so many things in your life to be grateful for. The other part of being and feeling grateful is expecting and knowing that more is on the way. You don't have to just be satisfied with what you have and not have a desire for more. Be eager for more. Expect more. Know in your heart that more is coming and keep those gratitude tho...

Tip #2 Recognize the thoughts that weaken you and thoughts that strengthen you.

If you made 2 lists on a sheet of paper. On the one side you listed everything in your life that was working. For example: you have regular exercise program, a vehicle that runs well, you love your dog, your children are healthy. On the second list was everything in your life that wasn't going as well as you like. Your job sucks, you are obligated to do things you don't enjoy, you hate your hair cut, you need a holiday. Once you have created these two lists, spend some time looking at them separately. Notice the difference between your feelings and energy when you are focusing on what is working in your life. You may feel calm, happier, peaceful or energized or something entirely different. Now go over to the side where you've listed all the things in your life that you aren't completely satisfied with and aren't working. What does your energy feel like now. Are you weak? Do you feel discouraged? Perhaps a little sad or envious of others. The point in doing this of ...

Tip #1 Find joy in ordinary and every day things!

Like this picture for example reminds me of this silly stage my teenage son, Alex went through taking pictures of the food he prepared before he ate it like it was some masterpiece or work of art. this picture puts a smile on my face. We are missing the little things. Yes, we would all enjoy a holiday or a new vehicle or month off work. We love skiing and hiking and biking and swimming and tennis. But what about tonight or right now. What puts a smile on your face? It's the simple little things that we miss. If you got news that your life was about to end, you would appreciate each day and start noticing normal and everyday things to relish and enjoy. why wait for that to happen. I use to rush from one activity to another, back and forth to work, run errand after errand and never once stop to even consider whether I was enjoying myself. I still run errands and rush around only now I stop to notice and appreciate that I am able to do all these things. The more I notice the ordinary ...
Our experiences always affirm to us exactly what we believe. I believe I'll be a huge success. that I'll have a great job and reach all my financial goals. I will publish my book and do internet marketing to make it to the top. I will be involved in personal development where time flys and I fly whenever I'm immersed in it and Peter and I will love our life together in Port Franks. and so it is.