Our experiences always affirm to us exactly what we believe. I believe I'll be a huge success. that I'll have a great job and reach all my financial goals. I will publish my book and do internet marketing to make it to the top. I will be involved in personal development where time flys and I fly whenever I'm immersed in it and Peter and I will love our life together in Port Franks. and so it is.
Trans Activism
What walks like a teen fad and talks like a teen fad...is probably a teen fad. Celebrating trans is a growing trend and something I’m not okay with. But then again, I’m not a doctor set out to make millions off confused teenagers and desperate parents. I’m not big pharma that stands to make billions off these kids and the services including endocrinologists, sexual health physicians, speech pathologists, nurses, social workers, child and adolescent psychiatrist and psychologists. I feel sorry for the parents that must navigate this with their teenagers. As if raising kids isn’t hard enough. Am I the only one? In Abigail Shrier’s book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing our daughters she alerts us to the newest trend in internet support groups that indoctrinate young girls into believing gender identity as the root of all their problems. If Shrier is right, a great many people have been complicit in practices that are proving very harmful to adolescent g...
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