Tip #6 Give up your personal story to allow the personal you are becoming to emerge.

Many people are bound by their stories. when I say stories, I mean the reason for our circumstances. Our current situations. Our past. This is the reason I'm where I am today. We hang on to these stories because we wouldn't know who we were otherwise. This is counterproductive. I think in order to be deliriously happy we have to be willing to give up our stories. Be willing to die daily as the saying goes. We give up these stories because they keep us stuck. We can stay in less than desirable circumstance for years if we don't recognize when we are in our stories. It's our excuse for why our life isn't the way we want it to be. You might be the person who lost your job or whose husband took off on you or the soul caregiver of a loved one in your family. Reality for some, you might say. But what if we were willing to say. Okay here is the situation I'm in. This has happened and here is what I'm going to do to make my life great. Circumstances don't really determine our happiness. Remember the task is to move through your wounds, not to live in them. We can't create a new reality for ourselves when we are living inside of our stories. Many people have endured horrific circumstances who feel happy and contented with their life, just as there are nurtured and well cared for people who are miserable and bitter. It's our stories that keep us stuck. Be willing to drop your story and allow the greater authentic part of you to emerge.

If we did all we were capable of, we would astound ourselves. Thomas Edison

You may just become the person you are suppose to be.
Blessings and love,


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