Tip #5 Do more of what's working and less of what isn't.

People make this far too complicated and it's really stupidly simple. What fills you up? Do more. What sucks the life out of you? Do less. I quit smoking and drinking 5 years ago. Why? Because it no longer served my highest good. I felt physically ill from smoking and whenever I drank I'd have a huge headache and be dehydrated the next day. I would self loath for days afterwards about all the idiotic conversations I had. This wasn't good for me. This wasn't good for anybody. I also quit watching TV and the news because I find it's draining.
The other night we were in a hotel to catch an early morning flight and my sister-in-law wanted to watch American Idol. I felt awful for those youngs guys and girls up there singing their hearts out only to have Simon Coward trash them afterwards. "You have a terrible voice." "That was the worse song I've ever heard". "You don't belong on this stage" Blah blah. Watching public humiliation and careless rejection of someone's dream being shattered is not what I call entertainment or uplifting.
The bad news about the economy and the violence that's going on in the world is so depressing that I don't watch it. It's not that I'm okay that it's happening. I just don't subject myself to it. My feeling bad or sad isn't good for anybody and I choose......... to keep my energy high by engaging in activities I enjoy doing and staying away from energy vampires. What sucks the life out of me, may be the thing you enjoy doing. For example. I love shopping at the mall and I'm on a high when I get home because of the few gems I was able to find. My sister, on the other hand, is exhausted and her energy takes a nose dive whenever she steps foot in the mall. Some people love TV because it's there time to just relax. TV for me, is noise pollution. Other people drink to relax. It makes me feel sluggish. I ask you to take a look at your daily life.
I love playing tennis and reading inspirational material. I love writing. I start my day reading my affirmations and reviewing my goals, my gratitude lists, my prayers and mediations. I'm rocking for the rest of the day when I do this each morning.
There's a million things we can do. What habits do you do each day that nurture you? Do you exercise? eat properly? walk, go out with friends once a week, take a course, go on a bike ride. Then ask yourself the next question. What habits do you engage in that drain your energy? Do you read a newspaper every morning. Do you feel rushed every day? Do you have a negative conversation with your coworker every morning? Do you eat before going to bed and then feel like a balloon when you wake up in the morning?
When it comes to our energy, there is really only 4 important questions to ask yourself?
  1. what is working
  2. what is not working
  3. what can I start doing
  4. what do I need to stop doing

My best energy wishes to you,



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