Tip #1 Find joy in ordinary and every day things!

Like this picture for example reminds me of this silly stage my teenage son, Alex went through taking pictures of the food he prepared before he ate it like it was some masterpiece or work of art. this picture puts a smile on my face.

We are missing the little things. Yes, we would all enjoy a holiday or a new vehicle or month off work. We love skiing and hiking and biking and swimming and tennis. But what about tonight or right now. What puts a smile on your face? It's the simple little things that we miss. If you got news that your life was about to end, you would appreciate each day and start noticing normal and everyday things to relish and enjoy. why wait for that to happen. I use to rush from one activity to another, back and forth to work, run errand after errand and never once stop to even consider whether I was enjoying myself. I still run errands and rush around only now I stop to notice and appreciate that I am able to do all these things.

The more I notice the ordinary and every day things that give me joy the more I notice the ordinary things that give me Joy. It's really magical how that happens. Suddenly watching birds became an enjoyable activity for me. Garbage day is one of my favourite days of the week. I love getting rid of Junk. As an exercise for myself, I wrote down 20 enjoyable activities. I invite you to do the same. These are completely ordinary things that I enjoy doing.

  1. washing my car in the driveway.
  2. hanging my clothes out on the line.
  3. a nice hot bath.
  4. a long power walk in nature.
  5. watching my kids walk home from school.
  6. trying a new recipe
  7. watching my kids play sports
  8. helping my kids with their homework
  9. the first swig of coffee in the morning
  10. listening watching and smelling rain
  11. reading great books
  12. singing
  13. writing
  14. watching the birds and squirrels in our backyard
  15. deep breathing
  16. snuggling with my husband
  17. getting rid of junk
  18. rearranging furniture
  19. walking on the beach
  20. baking

Notice the ordinary and everyday things in your life that you enjoy. and Enjoy!

With love and blessings,



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