Tip #2 Recognize the thoughts that weaken you and thoughts that strengthen you.

If you made 2 lists on a sheet of paper. On the one side you listed everything in your life that was working. For example:
you have regular exercise program, a vehicle that runs well, you love your dog, your children are healthy. On the second list was everything in your life that wasn't going as well as you like. Your job sucks, you are obligated to do things you don't enjoy, you hate your hair cut, you need a holiday. Once you have created these two lists, spend some time looking at them separately. Notice the difference between your feelings and energy when you are focusing on what is working in your life. You may feel calm, happier, peaceful or energized or something entirely different. Now go over to the side where you've listed all the things in your life that you aren't completely satisfied with and aren't working. What does your energy feel like now. Are you weak? Do you feel discouraged? Perhaps a little sad or envious of others.

The point in doing this of course is to notice that our thoughts create our feelings. They can comfort like a pillow or cut like a knife. The best news is that we can choose which thoughts we are going to focus on to help us create and have a great life and which thoughts we are going to put into the recycle bin. When we are focused on positive feelings, positive thoughts and positive outcomes, we are going to get more of the same. The exact same thing is true for negative thinking. Negative thinking gives us a hopeless feeling about our abilities to cope. Positive thinking inspires positive action.

Our thoughts keep coming and going all day long whether we are consciously aware of them or not. We do have the power however, to engage the ones we like.

Happy thoughts,
with love,


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