Tip #9 Invite many still moments into your life
Are you one of these people that always has the radio on when you're driving? Do you have the TV going in the background even if you're not watching it?
We're so busy escaping from these peaceful opportunities that we miss the advantage of being alone and connecting to our core. What does that really do for us? Well for one thing it's very calming. It's like floating on your back down a river. Sounds peaceful doesn't it? Another reason it's a great idea is because our intuition; our sense of well being, our answers reside inside of us. Not in the noisy world around us.
Life is pretty hustle bustle for most people. We're working, running errands, doing chores and taking care of responsibilities. We listen, read and talk and there really isn't much time left for ourselves. But there are still many missed opportunities we can grab to quiet our minds and if you look, you will find them in your own life. I must admit that it's not often I don't have something in my hand to read when I decide to sit down and chill for a moment. I'm catching myself these days. When I'm going to bed at night, I'm not picking up one of my books like I use to. I'm reflecting on my day, reviewing my goals and laying quietly and peacefully observing my thoughts.
Learning to relax takes time and practice. I'm suggesting a daily habit of it. You begin to build up the capacity for it. Watch your breathing is a simple relaxation technique you can use throughout the day. When you do this you are taking a mini vacation from your thoughts.
Create spaces and gaps in your day for quiet reflection and observation. You are just being with what is. Your thoughts still come and go. Let them. Noise pollution like radio and TV distracts you from any possibility you have of hearing that still small voice within.
Stop, take a minute, and listen to the silence within you today.
As poet, Rumi said,
The breeze at dawn has secrets to reveal. Don't go back to sleep.
Peacefully yours,
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