Tip #10 See God Everywhere

I go to church, I am a Christian. I teach Sunday school. My kids are in Sunday school and in the church choir and we have good friends there. I believe in Jesus and we celebrate Christmas and Easter as holy days....

However, I do not believe that Jesus is the only way to God. I know people who do not belong to any organized religion whatsoever, who feel more connected to God than many people do.

Who was it that said “kindness is my religion” ?
Or as Abraham Lincoln quoted ”When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad I feel bad. That is my religion"

Walt Whitman puts it eloquently

I say to mankind
Be not curious about God,
For I, who am curious about each
am not curious about God.
I hear and behold God in every object,
Yet understand God not in the least.

Many people look outside of themselves for God. Where is he.. I don’t see him. When I was a young girl I remember looking up in to vastness of the sky and thinking to myself, there is no way any God made any of this. But now I see very differently. Now I look inside of myself when I search for God and I know that I am piece of God. I know that when I walk in the woods or on the beach or I’m talking with someone or just by myself ....that God is everywhere and everything.

Elizabeth Gilbert in her book titled EAT PRAY LOVE writes about someone she met who described a life with God to her. It’s like the wheel of a bicycle. The center of the wheel is God. Each spoke (which is us) is connected to God. When you stay close to the center you don’t get whirled around as much by what life brings you as much as you would if you were near the edge where you get all frayed and blown around.

Tip #10– on how to be Deliriously Happy is realize that there is a divine order to things - and a trusting and knowing that you are part of that system.

Wonderful blessings and love for a miraculous week.


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