Tip #8 Love your dark side

We want to hide parts of ourselves away in the dark. We don't want anyone to see that we are wounded, afraid or flawed in some way. When we deny and reject these aspects of ourselves they keep showing up in our life. Whatever we resist persists. It's easy to love all the bright and good qualities about ourselves.

The self loathing comes when we hide away a part of ourselves. We don't own and embrace and love the totality of our nature. Everyone has a dark side and light side. Your shadow is the person you'd rather not be.

How do you know what your shadow is? Carl Jung says

Whatever irritates you about others, is just an aspect of yourself that you haven't yet embraced.

Is there a quality in others that you despise? Do you dislike controlling people. What personality trait really gets you going? Is it inconsiderate or selfish people? Maybe it's lazy peope or suspicious people. These are all clues.

Whatever you can't be with, won't let you be. Here is an example in my own life. Negativity drives me insane. I use to hit the pavement every time someone carrys on and on about their woes. My mom, husband and even my sisters. I can't stand it half the time and other time, I just avoid them altogether. What I have come to realize through my own shadow work, is that I am negative person. yes I am positive but I'm also negative. Once I was willing to accept that part of myself, I no longer needed to plug in to other's negativity. I've been able to shine some light and love on that part of me and it doesn't have the same power over me anymore. When we can own it and truly embrace the wholeness of ourselves that is freedom. That is what happiness is all about. We are light and dark. We're all of it. Love and accept your dark side.

with warmth and love,


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