Breaking News

It’s hard not to be cynical when you see what’s happening in the world and the way mainstream media divides and demoralizes our society with its 24/7 so-called, ‘breaking news’.

We have China holding people hostage, cabinet ministers using private jets for personal business, billionaires on trial for child abuse, a President who spreads hate and masquerades it as patriotism. I guess if we don’t like we can leave. We’ve watched high ranking officers being dragged through the mud and politicians being demoted to lesser positions for standing up to ‘the club’.

There are more cover ups, pay-outs, bail outs and lay-offs and political leaders can’t manage to stay out of hot water for more than a couple of weeks before another scandal breaks.

In America, 1% of the wealthy have more money than 90% of the population. Trickle-down economics isn’t trickling down. Big corporations like Apple or Amazon could erase world hunger with the stroke of a pen. Prisons are the largest mental health care providers in America. The tobacco industry continues to manufacture and distribute addictive poison that kills 8 million people every year. There is also a flood of automation coming our way that no one is prepared for. Racism addiction depression poverty obesity and violence are societies failures. As Marianne Williamson says, “Politics has become a conversation unworthy of the energies that need to emerge at this time”.
Anxiety is on the rise.

I’m anxious just writing this. I’m constantly flooded with images and news I’d rather not see. More whales dying, more violence, more cuts to frontline heroes like Children’s Aid Societies allowing for unbearable, violent and neglectful conditions to persist for children needing support. There is a sea of human suffering out there not to mention the state of our planet.

We need to change the dialogue and our view of one another and how we relate regardless of how industry leaders behave.

It’s clear to me that political establishments are not going to change the status quo and that we the people need to guard ourselves against, as Maria Popova writes, “a media ecosystem that traffics in outrage as its chief currency.”

We, the people get to decide which direction to go and must remain vigilant against media groups trying to divide us into separate camps. The politicians work for us and not all them are liars and thieves just as not all concerned citizens are upright and respectful. Not all rich people are greedy and not all poor people are pure and noble.

Despite what’s being fed to us constantly we need to have and preserve our own set of eyes. This is not the time to be cynical. Am I the only one?


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