Tip # 4 Consult your Top 5 values when making important decisions
So you begin by making a list of these values. What's important to you about life? What's important to you about living? What legacy do you want to leave behind? What are some of things that you take for granted, that if you didn't have them, your life would fall apart? If you were going to die tomorrow, what have you experienced or accomplished that has meant the most to you?
I realize that these aren't exactly deliriously happy questions to ask yourself. However, the answers will show you what your values are. After you have at least 10 answers, circle your top 5 and write them down. Put them somewhere so that you refer to them often and whenever you need to make a decision. Your values will change over time and that's perfectly fine, because you are the one who is changing them. Here are my top 5 values.
- Having a great marriage
- Experiencing as much joy as humanly possible everyday
- A sense of accomplishment
- Time to enjoy my children
- Setting a good example
When we are struggling, it usually means that we are not aligned with our core values. We have strayed off our path and away from what is important to us.
Spend some time this week writing out the answers to the following questions and then circle your Top 5.
- what's important to me about living?
- what's important to me about life?
- what would seriously alter the quality of my life if it were missing?
- what legacy do I want to leave behind when I go?
- If I were going to die tomorrow, what have I accomplished or experienced that has meant the most to me?
All the best to you
with Love,
I am determined to see. To change my present state for a better one, and one I really want..... A Course in Miracles.