Tip #7 Choose Powerful Interpretations

"I am determined to be happy and cheerful for whatever situation I find myself in for I have learned that the greater part of happiness or misery lies in our dispositions and NOT on our circumstances." Eleanor Roosevelt

I always try and live by this quote. I find that it can be very powerful for me when I am stuck in my story. We all have lots of drama going on in our lives. Some worse than others. I find for me it gets quiet for awhile and then another bomb goes off.
Families can be really bad for that. It helps me to remember that I can react everytime something happens or I can stop and just observe. I'm learning to let go of my needing anything to any different then it is. To let go of my needing anyone to be any different then the way they are is simply just practice and catching yourself doing it. I find it liberating not to react to things going on around me. I don't isolate and I don't cop an attitude. I just observe and stay in the present moment.

It gives me a warm and wonderful feeling when I know that I am best serving others and myself when I'm living in the present moment and happy with what is. Choosing powerful interpretations reminds me that I get to choose a powerful meaning of what is going on around me. I get to choose how I look at these circumstances and how I respond to them. A powerful interpretation is when we can say. This is all happening for a reason. This person is in my life to teach me a valuable lesson that I haven't quite learned yet. When we focus on constructive, meaningful and positive interpretations, we get constructive meaningful and positive results.

All the best to you.
Love Carrie


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