Watch your language
Do you ever notice the language that people choose.....I've started to notice my own language. Even though I'm a fun happy person(deal with it), my language isn't always congruent with my feelings inside. maybe I find it easier to start conversations with people when we talk about something that is wrong and not working. I think the words we choose and the conversations we engage in can really have an impact on us. Our language can either empower or disempower us. I know when I'm talking to a positive person because they don't complain, they don't engage in pity parties and they aren't bored. If you don't want to be bored, don't be boring (or is it the other way around). I personally find myself complaining just out of habit because someone is there to listen to me although I know how draining it can be. Here are 3 tips that you can use to help you get out of the habit of using disempowering language. Observe others language - don't...