Watch your language

Do you ever notice the language that people choose.....I've started to notice my own language. Even though I'm a fun happy person(deal with it), my language isn't always congruent with my feelings inside. maybe I find it easier to start conversations with people when we talk about something that is wrong and not working.

I think the words we choose and the conversations we engage in can really have an impact on us. Our language can either empower or disempower us. I know when I'm talking to a positive person because they don't complain, they don't engage in pity parties and they aren't bored.

If you don't want to be bored, don't be boring (or is it the other way around).

I personally find myself complaining just out of habit because someone is there to listen to me although I know how draining it can be.

Here are 3 tips that you can use to help you get out of the habit of using disempowering language.

Observe others language - don't judge. It is the most unconscious thing we do and mostly just a habit. The more comfortable we are with people, the more we share freely-so just listen as part of the learning process and witness your perceptions.

Observe your own language - If you're like me; a social extroverted type, the words just come out before the brain even starts. Start noticing the topics you pick and the words you choose and begin to see where you start sliding in complaining-draining language.

Stop talking and listen - My husband is a great listener. He picks up more in a conversation because he listens to everyone. He's quiet but when he does share his points, they are always carefully thought out points given at the perfect time after everyone else has had their say. He's a negotiator. He notices body language and emotions and voice pitch and things like that which can determine where the conversation is headed.

He told me the other day to back off on my daugther because he knew she was having a rough day. I didn't notice it. I was too busy arguing with her; but he could tell right away that if I didn't back off-all hell would break loose in the house and when my daughter loses's not pretty. she's not even a teenager yet.

Language, along with your emotions and your dominating thoughts are all linked together and will help to create the world in which we live.

Do you want to be a source for peace and happiness? I sure do.

That's why I am going to watch what I say, listen more and observe the language others choose so that I may learn and become a better, more productive communicator.

have a wonderful day.


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