Joy Journey

My purpose is to inspire and encourage people to live happier lives by connecting to the power within themselves to create more joy, abundance and love.

I have transformed the dsyfunction of my past. Do you see struggle? I do-everywhere! If people could stand in their power and realize they have the ability to change their circumstances this world would literally be transformed. To recognize that what is holding us back is just a limiting belief we've bought in to. It's all about the 90/10 rule. Happiness is 10 percent of what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.

I really needed a kick in the butt myself. I struggled for many years. I still have days, although very rare where I feel overwhelmed. I knew my life wasn't suppose to be struggle struggle. What I didn't realize for many years was that I had the power to create a different reality. My ego and feelings of inadequacy kept me paralyzed from doing anything I wanted to do. I had a "monkey mind" swinging from branch to branch reacting to everything going on around me.

I went on a journey that has brought me to a place of love and joy and inner peace. I now have tools to deal with life on life's terms. I want to share the knowledge I have from this experience with you.

Claim your right to be a happy person.
Set the intention. An intention is something you plan to create.

My intention is to enjoy an incredible life measured by my own chosen standards. What is yours?

Fall in love with who you are.

Become the kind of person you want to be around. If you're single and looking for a partner, become that woman/man that the type of person you are looking for would be attracted to. Self love is so important. Without it you're never going to create the type of life you deserve or desire.

Control your dominating thoughts.
Always reach for a better thought. Thoughts that serve you. Thoughts that keep you focused. Thoughts that fuel you to go for the things you want. Thoughts that are positive and constructive and powerful. I'm sure you can think of 10. Write them down and put them some where you can read them as many times as you can throughout the day.

Weeks ago I did an experiment. I wore an elastic band on my wrist. I wanted to see how often I had a limiting belief or negative thought. I would snap it each time I did to help me shift out of it. I didn't realize how often I still had those creepy little thoughts. Many people asked about my wristband.When I explained it to them, they were very interested and thought it was a great idea.

I think many people realize their thoughts are negative but they really don't recognize how harmful it can be. Our thoughts create our actions and our feelings and our beliefs. In other words, they run the show! If you don't like what's going on in your life right now or certain aspects of your life, look no further than your thoughts. If you don't have control over your dominating thoughts then who does?? The media, your family, your friends, your coworkers, your spouse.

Be a creator. If it isn't affirmations or wrist bands that will work for you practice something else until you find something that will.

Make positive changes you're authentically connected to

In my workshops I like to cover:
Habits-what habits are you engaged in that suck the life out of you and what do you do on a regular basis that breathes life in to you?
Passions-What do you do where time flys by without even noticing. What do you love to do. What idea whispers to you at night even though you try and push it away.
Values-What's important to you about life? What do you treasure?
Goals-What are you doing, where are you going and what is happening in your life in 1 year, 5 years and 10 years from now.

Begin just by writing some of these things down. The picture becomes clearer when you invest the time.

I hope all of you have a wonderful happy healthy thriving beautiful and peaceful day because that is point.

with warmth and love,


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