What are your Passions?

I visited my sister-in-law the other day and she was showing my daughters and I all her spectacular gardens. She is a very creative and gifted gardener and it was a real pleasure to tour the gardens and listen to her tips and knowledge that she shared with us about all the planting she had done. As we were strolling around I immediately felt wonderful inside knowing that this was her passion. It comes easily and naturally to her. This is her creative outlet. Lots of people paint, some people golf, many read books, Some love to bake. There is an 86 year old woman in our church. She loves to bake and cook. She shares her recipes and her food is delicious. Her energy is outstanding when she is talking about it.

I know there are still so many people out there who have no clue what their passions are.

Here are some of my clues about finding your passion.

Your passion is generally something you are good at. We always enjoy things we do well.

What do you do really well?
What comes naturally to you - where you can't even remember learning it? What do you love to read about and talk about with others where your conversations are infused with enthusiasm? what did you enjoy doing as a child?
What do you do where time just flys by. what do you do that fully engages you?

My Passion is writing. it's something I've been doing since I was 10 years old. I have journals that are 30 years old. I'm fully engaged in it. I am flooded with endorphins swimming through my body. when I write I can't stop even though my time is up and I have other responsibilities. It's like breathing for me.

What is Yours?

Cheers to living a passionate, inspired life.
with much love,



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