Life Lessons

Usually the lessons we've learned are mistakes we've made over and over again until it finally sinks in one day. That's what happens with me. Once you learn the lesson then you never repeat it again and if you do you are able to recognize it right away. Here are 10 Lessons I want to share with you. Perhaps you can learn from them as well.

Lesson #1The truth will set you free.
Honesty, as scary and uncomfortable as it can be at times is always the best way to go. Even if you think the person can't handle it. Even if you think you are protecting them by not telling them the truth. People want the truth.

Lesson #2Never try and tell someone how they should feel. I believe this is what causes many arguments in relationships. The other day I had a silly argument with my sister who I adore. It escalated because she tried to tell me how I should feel. This has happened to me so many times before and I have done the same thing. I have finally learned the lesson. People will shut you down so quickly if you start trying to control their feelings. Don't do it. it sucks!

Lesson #3You get back exactly What you are putting out there. You want friends, be friendly. You want people to accept you, accept them. You want to be forgiven, forgive. You want to be treated kindly, be kind.

Lesson #4Pull back from people when you feel your energy is being drained. When things begin to go downhill, you can definately feel it inside your body and you have an opportunity to switch it up if you are tuned in. You can always go back to the discussion or the person whenever you feel "full" and replenished.

Lesson #5Drop your story if it doesn't serve you well and create new story that won't reduce you. I have seen so many people struggle with this one issue. It's subtle. Many people don't realize they are living inside of their stories and the worst part about it is that they've shut off their power inside to create a new story.

Lesson #6 Whatever irritates you about someone is just an aspect of yourself you haven't embraced yet. Projection happens when we reject an aspect of ourselves that keeps popping up in someone else. Next time there is someone who totally annoys you see if there is something about their behaviour that you have denied in yourself. Whatever we can't be with, won't let us be.

Lesson #7Learn from your children-they have many things to teach us.
Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore new territory.I ran a Youth Leadership Program in the early Spring and I can tell you that kids are so brave compared to most adults. They face new challenges head on and don't worry about failure or rejection or getting it perfect. They don't tell stories to themselves about what will happen. Fear is a dark room where negatives are developed. When you hear a voice inside of you that tells you that you can't do something, then do it and the voice disappears. I have made so many positive changes in my life that I never thought were possible and it does get easier to make them. As quoted eloquently by Eleanor Roosevelt. You must do the thing you think you can't do until you get a record of successful experiences behind you.

Lesson #8 You can't make people want to change but you can definately develop a tolerance for them. You ask yourself something I learned from Wayne Dyer. Am I willing to allow those I care for be what they choose for themselves...without any insistence that they satisfy me? Am I willing? If I am, I am practicing unconditional love. Love that doesn't say, I would like you better if you were more like me. People can change..but only if they want to and it's their own journey. stay out of it. Give people the privilege of their own problems. That is unconditional love.

Lesson #9Your tribe...the people you are related to or close to unconsciously try to keep you the same. If you want to do something out of the ordinary, then do it. Keep it to yourself. Don't look for praise, adoration or approval.

Lesson #10Your body leaves clues-Tune in. I had this mysterious breathing problem a few years ago. shortness of breath, laboured breathing. I couldn't figure out what it was. I went to the Doctor. My vitals signs were fine. She asked if I was under stress. I said are you kidding. I've been off work and laying on the beach at my cottage all summer with the kids. It's September, everyone's back in school. I step back into an old job that I know like the back of my hand. and Life is great! It turns out that my old job still had the same toxic environment for me when I left to be with my kids. The same backstabbing dsyfunctional and unhealthy environment. My body knew this but my mind kept telling me that everything was cool. I had thyroid issues years ago and ended up having some surgery. I have since learned more about my throat Chakra. It's about losing your voice and not being able to communicate. I believe that stress, resentment and anger is what causes heart problems, depression, and cancer etc.

We all have lessons in our life to learn. They will keep showing up until we finally learn them. Look forward to your life lessons. It's the path to freedom, wholeness and clarity.

Many blessings to you,


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