Smiths Falls IS a Desirable Place to Live.

I love buzzing around town running errands in and out shops. What a relief. Everything is right here and only 4 minutes away.
I’m grateful to live in Smiths Falls and the town just keeps delivering more grateful to me.

Many people take the benefits of living in Smiths Falls for granted. Not me. I came from London Ontario where most people don't give a hoot about you or your kids. You can pretty much get a job in Smiths Falls if you want one badly enough. You aren't standing in a line up with 50 resumes for one position you're not even sure that you want.

I met someone in the park that finds Smiths Falls to be a “dreary little town.” It’s funny how perspective goes. I see it as a bustling village with great potential. I didn’t come here with a chip on my shoulder. It’s not who I am as a person. I can’t waste my time on negativity.

I walk to the waterfront at least once a day and see many people fishing and boating enjoying the parks and the river too. It’s a blessing to have all these well maintained parks and the street cleaner makes my day. In the city you’re lucky if you see them by June and green space around your property will be up to your knees before they cut it.

Smiths Falls is a strategic location and we’re surrounded by wonderful little nearby towns to explore. We’re only an hour away from the airport, Kingston, Ottawa, major health facilities, universities and the mall. Commuting in the city is much worse.

You may not go to church or have time for it, but churches help communities. I was warmly welcomed inside by many people going through the tough challenges of everyday life together, not separate from each other. You will find the right church for you if you keep looking.

People go hunting, make maple syrup build ODR "outdoor rinks" in their backyards, ice fish all with their kids. It's a warm family oriented community. I wish some people would just quit whining.

Schools are another important draw for people considering our community. We have fabulous teachers, coaches and dedicated staff rallying around that actually care about our Youth. There's a Breakfast Club at the Chimo elementary school 5 days a week where your kids get fresh homemade healthy food before school starts because of community donations. If you don’t think that’s an asset go and live in the city - you’ll find out.

We have strong athletic programs and role models for our Youth. Athletics are a big part of our story. I love the way the town supports the Smiths Falls Bears. I spend my winters in the rink. Watching my daughter play hockey is one of my favourite things to do. I’ve met so many wonderful families in Smiths Falls doing the exact same thing.

There isn’t another city or town in all of Canada that has a world class golfer and therefore we must have a world class golf club. Try that on for size. Doesn’t it feel good? I’m not a golfer but if I was, I would totally step into this and own it.

Raising kids in a small town is such a bonus to a young family. My daughter is in Barcelona because the Smiths Falls Rotary Club sponsored her Rotary International Student Youth Exchange. She's learning a new language and the culture of Spain and Catalonia. My other daughter went with the Smiths Falls Rugby Team to California last year and they are heading to Portugal next year. The high school Soccer team is in Hawaii right now at a tournament. Basketball is King in Lanark County. Say a powerful YES to the beautiful waterfront town of Smiths Falls, a community where active people thrive. A town that is helping us raise our kids. A town rising strong with many great services and helpful businesses. There is something for everyone in Smiths Falls if you are willing to go after it.

I love our Doctor, our Dentist our Physiotherapist and our Pet Groomer. I think we find what we look for. The way you choose to see the town creates the town you see.


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