Dismantle Tobacco

I was waiting in the emergency room in Smiths Falls for a procedure and there was a young adult, probably 19 years old, waiting to be seen. He looked very agitated so I went over and tried to console him. This was his second visit to the hospital in 4 days. He could barely swallow from this throat infection. The first time the physician told him to go home and that if he would quit smoking it would get better. No throat swab or antibiotics were given even though he was in really bad shape and could barely talk. What gives this Physician the right to discriminate and refuse to further investigate due to this young man being a smoker?  This physician is the reason more addicts don’t reach out. They’re met with judgment, lack of empathy and told to ‘just quit?’ Smokers are made to feel like second class citizens.

The smoker is in the trenches. They would like to quit but don’t know how or don’t believe it’s possible. They light up a cigarette first thing in the morning if they’ve managed to make it through the night without requiring a fix.  The X Smoker who manages to crawl out from underneath the insidious clutch of tobacco addiction understands what the non-smoker never will.  Some of them say that smokers shouldn’t be entitled to healthcare. They equate smoking with stupidity or a death wish.

The government protects tobacco sales. They’ve grown quite used to the yearly $8 billion that is generated in Canada alone from tobacco sales. They want people to smoke. They come up with initiatives like graphic warnings, designated smoking areas and plain packaging just to appease the public. The Tobacco industry bamboozles the public.  Pretends to fight back, . “Oh no, please don’t, not that” and 24/7 access on every street corner continues. 

The tobacco industry is powerful and resourceful. They try and lure kids into smoking with novelty, starter and youth oriented products like flavoured tobacco and buying their way into Hollywood or music video’s with their backroom deals.

If you lined up every smoker and said. “Here’s a pill. If you take it you’ll never want another cigarette again” 95% of them would take it. But there is no pill. Cancer seems more lucrative for Pharma. 

It would be a great legacy for our generation to abolish tobacco from the planet. Show the world that we did something right.

Smokers, Non-smokers and X Smokers are all in separate camps and this works very well for Big Tobacco. Unity could destroy them.  Meanwhile the government and tobacco companies form cooperatives alliance that continue to get people to smoke.  Must we stand by and watch the façade?

It’s sad to watch this addiction devour people's lives. 6 million people worldwide die annually from tobacco addiction. It’s kind of a big deal.

Am I the Only One?


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