
Showing posts from October, 2016

Patience is a Virtue in Retail

Working in a very busy convenience store in cottage country over the summer I gained a much different perspective on human nature. People shouldn’t have to go to work and get beaten up by public unkindness. The experience helped me understand why people working in retail don’t always greet you with a cheerful smile on their face. Here are some dos and don’ts that I’ll be using moving forward. 1. Don’t roll your eyes like I’m taking too long. You’re the one buying lottery when there’s a big line up behind you. 2. Don’t complain to me about the prices. It’s not my company. 3. If you count out exact change because you think it’s faster and easier, you’re totally wrong. It’s just annoying. 4. Please don’t throw your money at me and expect me to remember what you bought. If you think you’re too good or important to stand in line like the rest of the customers remember that there’s no limo waiting for you. 5. Don’t think your griping is unique. I can pretty much guarantee we’ve ...

Don't Sweat the Sales Stuff

Selling is really quite simple and not nearly as scary as some people think. You get a list together of why your service or product is of value to your prospect and are willing to promote it. What’s in it for them? How are you going to make their life wonderful? Many people think about telemarketing and all those relentless calls you get at home when they think about selling products or services. It can be lawn maintenance, newspapers, carpet cleaning or just about anything else that you might find annoying to talk about after a full day of work. Usually the calls happen on your way out the door or when your right in middle of making dinner or, God forbid, relaxing for 5 minutes. You want to be naturally confident. That energy comes from knowing what you offer has value. You pull it off something like this: “Here's what we offer. This is what we do really well and this is what is excellent about our products. Here’s the value for you. This is how much it costs.” I...

Smiths Falls IS a Desirable Place to Live.

I love buzzing around town running errands in and out shops. What a relief. Everything is right here and only 4 minutes away. I’m grateful to live in Smiths Falls and the town just keeps delivering more grateful to me. Many people take the benefits of living in Smiths Falls for granted. Not me. I came from London Ontario where most people don't give a hoot about you or your kids. You can pretty much get a job in Smiths Falls if you want one badly enough. You aren't standing in a line up with 50 resumes for one position you're not even sure that you want. I met someone in the park that finds Smiths Falls to be a “dreary little town.” It’s funny how perspective goes. I see it as a bustling village with great potential. I didn’t come here with a chip on my shoulder. It’s not who I am as a person. I can’t waste my time on negativity. I walk to the waterfront at least once a day and see many people fishing and boating enjoying the parks and the river too. It’s a ble...