How to Live an Inspired Life

How to Live an Inspired Life
Living an Inspired; creative, brilliant, stirred, enthused Life

Here are 12 strategies that I've come with for living an inspired life. When I practice these techniques my life keeps getting better and better.

1) I have profound reverence for freedom, wholeness and clarity - Know what it is you are deeply and fundamentally devoted to. This is your criteria for making decisions.

2) When things aren’t working I make changes. - Look up the Ryan Ferguson story. You will never feel sorry for yourself again.

3) I wake up every morning and decide to be in a good mood.

4) I choose good thoughts - I don’t allow myself to get depleted by another bad mental state. Yes another decision.

5) I look in the mirror everyday and say really nice things to myself. - Like you’re doing a great job; you look really sexy today.

6) I am on a gratitude journey - Gratitude creates an energy around you that attracts more things to be grateful for. It has powerful manifesting energy.

7) I’m obsessed with rituals - I consider my morning ritual as my daily spiritual practice. Anything you do on a routine basis that provides structure and balance to your life can be seen as a ritual. When I write, I sit in the same corner on my house in front of my laptop. My blue pen on the right side with blank paper and my journal is on the left. I feel more creative when it’s around me. It seems quirky, but if you really stop and think about it, you too, have rituals.

8) I quiet my mind and tune into God’s peace. - You will not find any truth or answers with a restless, distracted mind. Do whatever it is to stay connected to that holy and sacred spirit that infuses us all. Nature walks, slip into an empty room at lunch, drive without the radio on in the car. Find and treasure those quiet moments.

9) I honour my commitments and vision. - I create tag lines which are ways that I want to show up in the world. Affirmations and quotes help me stay focused on what it is I’m creating for my life.

10) I work from inspiration, not obligation. - I spend time & energy doing things that make me feel good. I have an absolute no list and on this list is anything that makes me feel less than my wonderful self. I set boundaries and stick to my priorities.

11) I recognize and release old patterns and habits that no longer serve me. - Acceptance and surrender are the keys to moving forward. This can only be achieved through clarity and awareness.

12) I find beauty & joy in humble places and experience incredible amounts of joy every day. - I don’t wait until something really wonderful happens to me. I feel wonderful and a match to that shows up.

Many blessings,



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