
Showing posts from April, 2010


Here's an exercise that came to me recently. I've been working on a coaching session about belief systems and how to recognize negative beliefs we hold. We want to keep and reinforce the beliefs that are nourishing and supportive of us and look at the beliefs that might be detrimental and holding you back in some way and reprogram those. Write out a few simple sentences like I have done below to each one of these: What I believe about: Aging – I believe that you are as young as you feel. That people grow old when they can’t laugh at themselves anymore and take life too seriously. You age when you get set in your ways and stop taking risks. Death -I believe that when we die we go to heaven to live with a loving Father and Jesus who died for us long ago. Men -I believe every man is happier when he has a woman or someone in his life who appreciates him. Women -I believe woman are leaders of world and the strongest species. I believe we are as strong as the Himalayas and s...

If you want change, change first.

I know many people who are stuck in their stories and they can't get out. It's their inner self talk. I will never find the Love I want, and they stop looking-I can't have a job I love that pays what I need-and stick to a job they hate. I won't be able to lose the weight-and give up trying. I can't stop smoking-and resign themselves to be slaves to nicotine for the rest of their lives. IF YOU WANT CHANGE, CHANGE FIRST We are creatures of habit. When we fail to see how our limiting beliefs and inner self talk are running the show we habitually keep on doing the same old same old. we think the same way. YOUR COMFORT ZONE CAN BECOME YOUR CAGE I want to encourage everyone reading this to think about one story similar to the examples I've given above. Try and see in your own life see where you are throwing in the towel. For me it would be exercise. I'm a super busy mom with 3 kids and a husband on shift work and a busy new full time job. I put many ...