Life Vision Statement

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. Winston Churchill

There have been times in my life when I felt like I was drifting around aimlessly. Moving from one menial task to the next without any real purpose or meaning behind what I was doing. Have you ever felt that way? Most people I know would say Yes to having felt that way at least on occasion. I must admit shamelessly that my authentic self is energetic and enthusiastic towards life so whenever I have fallen away from my true nature in the past, I work as quickly as possible to find my way back.

One of ways that I use to stay focused and on track is through a Life Vision Statement. A Life Vision Statement is created by you and includes all the personalities traits you want to strengthen, the activities and habits you want to engage in and the life situations you want to create. It doesn't matter how far away you are from achieving your ideal life circumstances, all that matters is that your clear on what you'd like to create. You've stated it. This is your intention. It's absolutely the most important step you can make. Deciding.

It should be short enough that you can memorize it. You should print it out and keep it handy where you can review it everyday. It's like a roadmap-it gives you a sense of direction.

I find it very useful especially when I feel myself slipping back in to wandering generality of useless powerless thoughts. I can read my Life Vision Statement to remind me of what I'm creating and wanting my life to be about. Here is my Life Vision Statement that I recently updated. (that's the beauty-you get to revise it whenever you want )

It goes like this.

I am a positive source of healing energy to those around me. I'm calm, relaxed and excited about my life. I have kind and peaceful thoughts about myself and others. I'm a divine piece of God ready to flourish and become financially free and I'm fully enjoying myself as I trust that process and keep my flow moving in this direction.

Remember to include these 4 things:
1. what personal qualities would you like to develop within yourself
2. what habits do I want to start doing or stop doing to support me
3. what actions would I like to start taking to begin to create my ideal life
4. what new life conditions would I like to achieve

In the pursuit of happiness I've discovered that being happy isn't the destination. Being happy is the mode of travel.

The man who has no inner life is the slave to his surroundings. Henri Frederic Amiel

I hope I've convinced you a little to begin to look at what you want your life to be about and begin to create a statement about it.

I'm certain about this. That everything we focus on grows and expands in our life.

Blessings and love to all of you,



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