Follow Your Bliss

Finding what you love to do is a clue to your path. Are you on the right one?

Has anyone ever heard this advice before? Do what you love, and the money will follow? My interpretation is that it means when you are engaged in something you find fulfilling, meaningful or interesting, you will spend many hours doing it without feeling tired. You can immerse yourself in what you love for hours and hours and work longer, stay engaged and persist until you succeed. The money has to follow.

When you accept that doing what you love IS the way to the money, you can begin to make lists and start coming up with ideas on how you can do what you love and make money.

Be ready and willing to be humbled. Be prepared to make mistakes and lose track along the way. This is part of the process of moving out of your comfort zone. Think of it as an opportunity to learn rather than another failed resolution.

One of my favourite quotes of all time is by Howard Thurman, a Theologian and Author back in the Martin Luther King Jr days......"Don't ask what this world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go and do that. Because what this world needs is people who have come alive"

Many people are stuck in jobs they hate, working with people they aren't particularly fond of and doing work they don't enjoy, reporting to people they don't respect. Boy, are they fun to be around when they finish work for the day.

The world needs YOU! Not your stories or your excuses. Begin now! Today to create an amazing life and a life that you are trully and authentically connected to.

"Getting what you go after is success, but liking while you're getting it is happiness" Bertha Damon, Author

Much love and blessings,


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