Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect I wish that I could say that sexism and misogyny was not a part of the work culture I was in, but it was, in every single workplace. Sexual harassment had varying degrees of seriousness and creepy, but it was all just swept under the rug. I remember one place I worked women had to wear skirts, pour the partners their coffee and get their lunch. I didn’t last too long. Blond jokes were funny. I laughed. Comments such as, “when are you going to wear those jeans again to work” were embarrassing, but nothing crazy. Women were seen as less important, less intelligent, and less able than men. We survived, but I much prefer what is happening now. One of Eleanor Roosevelt’s famous quotes is, “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” She was right but exposing people like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby showed the world how men abuse their power. The “Me Too” movement started a global discussion to end sexual harassment and violence. I’m so proud and grateful to the women who came forward with their stories. They are heroes in my view because they made our daughter’s and granddaughter’s lives safer and more equitable. This is great news for all parents. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Violence against women will always be a battle to be won. 1-3 women have been exposed to relationship violence. When I was a teenager some guy in bar poured a whole beer in my purse because I wouldn’t dance with him. My antenna went up after that. What else would this guy be capable of? It reminds of a quote by Margaret Atwood. “Men are afraid they will be laughed at. Women are afraid they will be killed.” We’re fortunate to live in a country with laws that protect women. There are warning signs about the potential for violent behaviour, and we need proper education to address the root causes for violence such as poverty and addiction. I get defensive when men are constantly made into villains. Am I the only one? I love strong men especially my husband, son, father, nephews, and brothers-in-law. One day we will stop the divisive rhetoric and bring these moral arguments to fruition. Let’s acknowledge the progress that women have made, while also addressing the issues we still face today. The future is no longer men overpowering women. The future isn’t female either. We are allies and together we can build a future that is safer and more equitable for everyone.


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