Adapt Overcome and Improvise


I have always treated new years as a fresh start.  Like God hit the reset button and gave us all a new beginning.  So why is it already mid-January and I haven’t made a single goal for 2021.  There is no plan. I don’t really like it very much.  It seems perfectly reasonable to make new year’s resolutions and if you are all about positive change as I am, you plan out the year.  Without goals we are tossed around like a flag in a windstorm, right?  It seems unfathomable to just see what happens. What kind of crap is that? My husband’s resolution every year is just to be better than he was the year before. I ask him to be more specific, but he says no to me every time.


Last year a global pandemic, completely out of our control thrusted us into this abyss that we are still trying to climb out of.  It taught me that life is unpredictable.  We’ve had to learn how to adapt to new conditions, overcome challenges and improvise.  That’s enough change for me. 

Perhaps I should adopt my husband’s resolution too and just be better. 


During covd we’re forced to turn to the people in our homes for comfort,  become more self-sacrificing, more grateful for the small pleasures and more compassionate towards ourselves and others.  Maybe just maybe these are good things to work on too.  There is a time to tear down and a time to build back up and in the waves of change our direction is revealed.  We find meaning in a world that is chasing the wind. So, this year I will take each day as it comes, stick to my values and let whatever happens in 2021 happen. 


Am I the only one?



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