Lessons from Covd19

Lessons from Covd-19 For many of us, the pandemic has reduced to tatters the illusion that nothing could catastrophically go wrong in the world. Mainstream media will continue to bombard us with gloom and doom reporting, misinformation, political turmoil, and social unrest. I try and maintain a healthy perspective. Perhaps this cosmic reset button will be good for us and help us align with a higher purpose. I count my blessings so that I focus on what I appreciate and value in my life. There will always be something to grumble about but during the pandemic it is important to cultivate a good mindset. Gratitude is a rediscovery of what we often take for granted and what is important to us. What else can I learn about myself and others through this experience? 

My Mom always said that greed is a terrible thing. I think she was right. Maybe it is enough to have a place to call home and people to love. The comfortable homes we live in, the cars we drive, the beds we sleep in, would be dreams come true for people who live among us today. The Covd-19 pandemic made me realize that putting too much emphasis on money destroys relationships, health, and our well-being. Even countries. The happiest people I know have enough money to get what they need and have some left over. It pays to remember the best things in life are free. When we chase that dog named dollar, we should know dogs like to play keep away. 

Although our activities, social gatherings, plans and freedoms have been cancelled, Covd-19 cannot cancel Joy. Joy is found in ordinary and everyday simple pleasures that we are free to experience whenever we tune in. I love the part of me that knows that Joy is the point and missing it is a mistake. Joy keeps us busy building a life that no pandemic can ruin. 

We do not know what the world is like for others during the pandemic. We must remember that we are bringing our own ‘stuff’ to the table. Relationships cause a lot of anxiety and frustration even at the best of times. We tend to absorb every ounce of discomfort like a sponge and get involved more than we ought to or should. The more peaceful your life becomes the more you can be a blessing to others. Live and let live. Give people the privilege of solving their own problems and trust that they will. 

 As we were walking along the beach, we heard a fearful voice of a father yell to his small children, “stay away from the people”. If there was ever a time for more grace, this is it. People are on edge more than we know. Grace carries people to higher ground. Let us meet people where they are at and remember the golden rule which is to treat others the way you wish to be treated. 

The benefit of the pandemic are the lessons that stay with us. The Covd-19 pandemic taught me that bricks fall out of the sky and land on our head. Nothing is certain and life is unfair. This is a lesson taught repeatedly throughout our life and often learned the hard way. The delusion that it should be fair is what keeps people stuck. Adversity teaches us to be strong and resilient. I am thankful for every rotten thing that has ever happened to me because it has made me who I am today. Stronger. Smarter. As the Zig Ziglar quotes goes, “We are not promised a good life or a bad life. We are promised a life. It’s up to us whether it’s good or bad.” In troubled waters we must learn to paddle our own canoe.


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