Lessons from Covd19
Lessons from Covd-19 For many of us, the pandemic has reduced to tatters the illusion that nothing could catastrophically go wrong in the world. Mainstream media will continue to bombard us with gloom and doom reporting, misinformation, political turmoil, and social unrest. I try and maintain a healthy perspective. Perhaps this cosmic reset button will be good for us and help us align with a higher purpose. I count my blessings so that I focus on what I appreciate and value in my life. There will always be something to grumble about but during the pandemic it is important to cultivate a good mindset. Gratitude is a rediscovery of what we often take for granted and what is important to us. What else can I learn about myself and others through this experience? My Mom always said that greed is a terrible thing. I think she was right. Maybe it is enough to have a place to call home and people to love. The comfortable homes we live in, the cars we drive, the beds we sleep in, w...