
How long must we be punished for the horrible injustices done by our ancestors? Perhaps the answer is ‘as long as it takes’. Throughout history even women had to claw their way to relevance in a world that favoured men not to mention the gay community. The word for that is progress and we must fight the good fight. Right? Watching the United States implode does not feel like progress. Am I the only one? It looks like leaderless country and the start of a civil war with no solution in sight. All over one bad cop. Progress.

People are fed up. There is evidence to suggest that racism never really went away although for a time I thought we were getting better. As I watch how mainstream media and social media polarize the issue, I sit and listen to what my heart feels about discrimination and racism. It is naïve to ignore the journey of the people who have lived on the margins of our society. You cannot opt out just because society works for you.

I can’t assume to know what it’s like to be part of a minority but I can pay attention to the realities and truly take in what it’s like to be the “other” when the system in place prevents real change from happening. Even regular people are getting the shaft these days. It is hard to imagine how powerless and unimportant you’d feel like when there is an assumption made that it’s all your fault.

Some believe equality of opportunity is there for everyone and the victimization card is played over and over until people get what they want. Some forget or choose to ignore history and the shadow of this rugged individualism which is the exploitation of populations of people. Progress.

Although it may be uncomfortable to confront the reality of discrimination in our own hearts if we’re clever and dedicated we’ll see those who are under-privileged in a more fractured light along with people, maybe even ourselves, who’ve had a leg up in this world. And then maybe just maybe the truth will set us free.

Hometown News July


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