So Now What?

So now what? After this pandemic does what it does how will things change? What is the new economy going to look like? What is our new handshake going to be? Is buy the shoes take the trip and eat the cake still good advice?

What felt like a reset button has become a nightmare. All this uncertainty has created a lot of fear and stress which creates panic and chaos. We see this playing out in the news and on social media every day.

Although the storm has hit the entire globe, we are all in different boats. I am so happy to be living in Canada right now. Am I the only one? Our new normal has just begun and with our heads-up paying attention to where we are going, we might get it right.

Jack Dorsey the CEO of Twitter donated one billion dollars to pandemic relief. Oh, what a wonderful world it would be if all billionaires shared their wealth or even better, we had a world where accumulating that kind of wealth was not allowed to exist in the first place. What happened to the laws and regulations that protected everyone and not just the 1%? How did homelessness become such a gigantic problem in the first place? How did pharma get such a stronghold in society? How come there’s a pandemic of addiction loneliness anxiety and depression in our world? Why are marginalized groups dying in the US of this virus at higher rates? Why is it still okay to emit greenhouses gases without our best efforts to reduce them?

We are not caring for each other and our world the way we should. Our materialistic secular world has become a burden. The pause button could be an opportunity for us to live more sensibly and peaceably and not take more than we need.

Before the marketers get back online trying to convince us we did not see what we saw there is a moral lesson in all of this, and I am still searching for it.

Hometown News May edition


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