Spending Cuts

March Madness is a long-observed phenomenon in Ottawa which sees federal departments quickly spend all their remaining annual budgets in the last month of the fiscal year to avoid losing the cash altogether in the following budget - This has been going on for decades. Why?

I also wonder why we must pay for people’s sick days when nobody pays for ours?

If I’m really brainstorming, I’d say we charge a flat fee of $5 for a Doctor’s visit which would deter needless appointments and save millions if not billions.

This money can be moved around into areas like healthcare. Spending cuts and economic prosperity measures go over like a lead balloon especially during an election campaign. There’s always a hullabaloo from opposition parties and special interest groups. They would find one person’s heart melting story and put it on the news, and you would be a buffoon committing political suicide if you tried to ignore it. Welcome to democracy.

I agree that a universal daycare sounds awesome for young families, but I don’t trust the government to handle it well. Am I the Only One?

I believe there are too many tired, uninspired people working behind desks. A job is the greatest social program there is. Maybe these programs need to be more exciting and dare I say mandatory? If I must stand in line and explain my reason for not having a job and account for my time, I might make some other plans. What we need now, more than ever, are strong role models and mentors along with programs that help people get on their feet.

Complacency never changes the status quo. We should never stop putting in effort, trying to innovate, or working to advance someone’s potential.

I’m still encouraged to see a full parking lot whenever I drive by a mall in the city. I guess the middle class are doing alright. Maybe we can afford this massive government.

Spending cuts don’t just happen. We must make choices.

Am I The Only One?
Hometown News


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