25 thoughts on Power I learned from listening to the Joe Rogan Podcast:

1. Power is definitely first-and-foremost not approval seeking.
2. Power is a commitment to workouts and nutrition. It stares all your phony excuses in the face and says, “who are you?”
3. Power isn’t a pill or an outfit. It’s an attitude that says, I belong here.
4. Power is being your own person.
5. Power is an uncalculated and uncensored freedom to express what you think and feel.
6. Power is a menu item on a salad bar that you take small portions of, so you can fit everything else on your plate and still have room for dessert.
7. Power is integrity and a willingness to offend some people.
8. Power is refreshing unbridled non-conformity.
9. Power is authentic it has nothing to lose.
10. Power is being a nice person and having success and popularity that’s organic.
11. Power is grateful every day for what an amazing privilege it is to have things to be grateful for. #mindset
12. Power is a feeling that you’re doing it right.
13. Power pushes through self-consciousness; a universal truth that no one is immune to when trying new things.
14. Power knows that careful posturing debilitates free speech and says ‘not on my show’
15. Power is a blue suit a smile and some bad ass heels.
16. Power is writing in your pajamas with the moon and the howling wind at the window and a glimmering candle as your companion.
17. Power doesn’t give a hoot how many likes it gets.
18. Power is looking in the mirror at your body knowing you killed it that day.
19. Power is a strong sense of accomplishment.
20. Power is doing whatever is beneficial to yourself and the people around you.
21. Power is mental toughness. It doesn’t feed on garbage.
22. Power is the acceptance of reality that some paths you won’t approve or understand but it doesn’t always mean they’re wrong and you’re right.
23. Power requires no justifications.
24. Power goes the extra mile. It’s washes, dries, folds AND puts away the laundry.
25. Power challenges the familiar to explore the unfamiliar.


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