16 Ann Landers Style Common Sense Tips from a Blue Collar Childhood

1. Stop complaining and ask yourself why you have so much when others have so little?

2. Stop being a victim and do something with your life. God helps those who help themselves.

3. People that fear criticism must be introduced to a little mighty word called SO

4. Don't marry someone that can't take care of themselves. In the old days we called it common sense.

5. People who abuse animals and children prior to jail sentencing should be forced to stand naked in a public place for 6 weeks straight to know what it feels like to be terrified. I didn't say stone them did I...

6. When you drink copious amounts of alcohol, smoke cigarettes, eat tons of junk food and don't exercise, don't act surprised when your health fails.

7. Kids learn by example. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

8. Find a busy modern church and stick your head in. You might hear something interesting and inspiring. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

9 If the writing is on the wall you should definitely read it.

10. Take every angry thing people say with a grain of salt. Rage is a silly old fool.

11. Ask yourself if scrolling through social media is the best use of your time and does it makes you feel better or worse.

12. You can't have your cake and eat it too. This one shouldn't shock you.

13. If one job didn't work we got another one. If that job didn't work we got another one. If we needed more money we got a second job. Tell me your excuses again?

14. There's a lot of things that can kill you and there's a lot of things that can make you strong. It's your choice.

15. Stop helicopter parenting. It's ruining your child's life.

16. Two parent homes are better for kids and even more helpful if you get along with your spouse and invest in your marriage.


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