Freedom of Speech
Political correctness is suffocating free speech. I wonder if Seinfeld or The Office, two hilarious shows that poked fun at ethnicity, gender and sex would even be produced in today’s politically correct climate. Censorship is a slippery slope. There are alarm bells going off on higher education that the liberal arts progressives are shoving ideologies in student’s faces and silencing anyone who’s been raised with different values. If you’re a thinker at all you’ll probably offend some people. I want my teenagers to get an education that allows them to jump into reasonable debates not be told what to think. Student’s should be challenged not comforted. They should be confronted, not coddled. It’s how we grow. They are universities not daycares. Adversity builds character and resiliency. We’ve been seeded by our ancestors with personal responsibility and it’s being blown away by helicopter parenting and now the universities are doing it as well. I think men and women are ...