10 Strategies for Inspired Living

We should not wait for a brick to fall out of the sky and land on our head before we make a change and believe-it-or-not, bricks do fall out of the sky and land on people's heads.

Life is a gift and time is precious.

Here are 10 strategies that I use to experience as much Joy as humanly possible and live an inspired life.

1. Tune into the Joy channel. Even when life isn’t perfect or the way we want it to be, we can still find Joy in ordinary and everyday activities.

2. Count your blessings. Gratitude is powerful and you can use it to attract more in your life to be grateful for. It also makes you a nicer person to be around.

3. Established your core values. What’s most important about life and living? Set your priorities around those values. Write that list.

4. Drop your story. Don’t get stuck in the past because of some old story about yourself that isn’t true anymore. Stories have chapters. Turn the page and start a new one.

5. Habits become destiny. Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing the same thing over-and-over again and expecting a different result. What do you need to do more of and less of?

6. Recognize the thoughts that strengthen you and weaken you. Grab onto thoughts that are positive and life affirming and let go of the ones that make you feel small.

7. Invite many still moments into your life. Silence helps the mind settle. Listen for answers to what your heart deeply longs for. Put down your phone.

8. Choose powerful explanations. If life was a classroom what have you learned? Adversity and pressure build character and resiliency unless you want to remain a victim and there’s no power in that. What’s the life lesson in this sucky thing that has befallen you?

9. Love your dark side. We’re triggered, and our buttons get pushed because of aspects of ourselves that we’ve denied and rejected. Our shadow needs light and a hug.

10. Have faith in a trustworthy God. Explore and behold something much bigger than yourself. A power beyond all understanding. God is working it out and we can help by becoming the best people we can be.

Don't sit around hoping for change but change nothing. Make a list of what you need to stop doing and start doing and begin making those shifts. Let these principles nudge you in a more positive direction. Use them, along with your own, to start living a more inspired life and one that you are authentically connected to.

Hometown News January 2019


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