Breaking the Silence

Well-behaved women seldom make history ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich   

This bumper sticker gained wide popularity in the ‘70s and has come around again to invite us all to speak up about sexual stereotypes and discrimination.  I’d say it’s about time if it means a safer and more equal world for our daughters and grand-daughters.  

Over the past few decades thanks to responsible parenting, good strong role models and whistleblowers we have experienced many great strides.  This recent movement in Hollywood about breaking the silence offers all women another layer of protection against sexual harassment, misconduct and assault.  I’m excited about that.  There are plenty of good men to celebrate and bad men we need to stop. 

Many people still sit on the sidelines, that care, but not enough to uncross their arms and start waving them in the air to show gratitude.  I get that.  We can’t care about everything but for every sexist remark you let slide marginalizes the progress being made by courageous women who have stuck their necks out for the safety and fair treatment of your daughters and grand-daughters. The least you can offer them is a little support. 

I’m against censorship and political correctness that’s suffocates our free speech, but my alliance must be with these women who were brave enough to come forward and start these conversations.  If that makes me a feminist well, okay then.   

When an underground system starts leaking people are going to get wet.  Snakes will squirm.  That’s what snakes do when you run over them.
History is being made and ordinary women can contribute to.  We’re supporting a movement for safer workplaces and respectful inclusive treatment.   Our girls won’t feel inferior or be paid less money than their male counterparts for doing the same job.   If they’re assaulted, coerced or manipulated there will be a system behind her to bring the matter to justice.  Society will finally get that No Means No is not up for debate and that victim blaming is not okay. 

Time is up on the silence. I love how eventually everything catches up to people. Time is up on the silence.  It's dirty work but so is injustice.  

I’ve asked myself this question about a thousand times and have never found an answer that satisfies me.  “how do we get people to care?”  You don’t.   People have no clue until it happens to them.  

This movement is creating a better era for women and that’s something our generation can be proud. Don't let apathy be your response.  

Am I the Only One?


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