My Favourite Places to Go

  • A peaceful soak in a hot tub underneath the stars on a wintery night.
  • Cruising along the shore of the Magnetawan in a steel fishing boat; breeze holds my hair back.  gazing upward; smiles for a satellite picture. 
  • The smell of fresh pine and rain soaked leaves in the middle of the forest alone and not afraid.
  • A quiet morning centered by the pre dawn hours I welcome a brand new day; gratitude pours into my heart. 
  • Sitting on the front porch at my cottage watching the birds play on the wire. Listening to the water fountain splash across the street; a fox sprints on by like he owns the road.   
  • Walking along the beach without a care; the waves crash at my feet and sink my toes.
  • Floating in the pool on a hot summer day watching the trees silently clap in the wind.
  • Walking my happy dog anywhere commercialization doesn't exist.
  • The generic white noise in a hotel lobby with high ceilings, comfy furniture, dim lights and a clutter free environment; where creativity flows freely.  
  • In a mall shopping for everything and nothing with no obligation whatsoever;  pure unbridled Joy.  


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