Joy a Gift to Share

I collect quotes like a squirrel gathers nuts.  I love to marinate in beautiful phrases.

Don't you just love people who spread good energy?

Quotes speak directly to me in my own voice. They tell me exactly what I need to hear. I can't relate at all to people that find no meaning in them. They sustain me on days when it feels like I'm living in a cold and very dark world.

I have my own words to live by. They keep me on track and guide me back when I lose my way. They reflect who I am and how I want to show up in the world.  I'd be like a flag in a windstorm without them.

I might even forget I'm here to enjoy life and that would be a disaster.

JOY is the point and I'm here to experience as much of it as I can.
A sense of accomplishment is very important to me.
Peace is a priority when I make it one.
Gratitude is a powerful way to feel thankful.
One day at a time is a lifesaver.
What is God? A constant provider of forgiveness, unconditional love and guidance.
Toastmasters helps me develop.
Writing is oxygen.
Our marriage is a legacy to our children and children a legacy to the world.
Love yourself like your life depends on it.  It does.
I think encouraging someone with your own positive energy is an act of compassion. I'm never hard on myself. You can't help people if you don't tell the right stories.  I can't think of one time where someone's miserable life helped me out.

Start writing down what's important to you about living.
A gratitude list should come next. 

When you realize you don't have to stand up against someone else's yardstick you start measuring up to your own parameters.  

I enjoy living in the present and finding out what's good about it.  There is nothing to gain by reinventing a past or creating a "what's going to happen next" story. I'm over that now. I want Joy.  That is my birthright and I won't miss it.

Signed Am I the Only One,


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