401 Death Trap – It doesn’t have to be this way.

Tragic accidents happen on the 401 every week if not daily and they always seem to involve a transport truck. Truck traffic is causing a very dangerous 401 corridor because government officials aren’t doing their jobs. We’re forced to share the 401 with transport trucks careening down the highway at high speeds carrying commodities that could easily fit on trains. 

CP Rail has freight service from Quebec to Windsor.  There’s an expressway freight service from Milton to Montreal 6 days a week.  The products arrive safely on time in a more planetary manner. 

In Canada it seems the government is controlled by corporate interests so legislating truck traffic onto rail is probably not going to happen.  They are more interested in selling cars, tires, insurance etc.  than they are in mass transit or better air quality and safer roads. 

It’s very difficult to live in Ontario.  We must support services we can’t afford to use like Via Rail for example. I would rather take the train then get on the 401.  It’s quite lovely to travel by train.  There’s lots of leg room, swift stops, easy, relaxing.  It’s much safer and better for the environment.  I think passenger demand would be quite good if people would be willing to give up their precious vehicles. 

Last time I took the train it was empty and at the price of the ticket I’m not surprised.  It’s an elite service that no one can afford to use.  It seems like VIA would rather send empty trains then give people a break on the price of their tickets.   Who’s running these organizations? 

It’s hard to accept a lot of things right now.  I feel like were at the mercy of a lot of people with good salaries not really caring about the public they serve.  

My 80-year-old parents would rather never see me again than have me take the 401 to visit them. I’ve stopped telling when I’m coming and surprise them instead.

Am I The Only One?

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