The Right Kind of Quiet

Grief, funerals and loss remind me of the sobering reality that life is precious and short.  
Sorrowful times leave us numb.  We recognize there’s a lot of hullabaloo going on out there about nothing.  Atrocities feel like a heavy burden.  We try and find our way back to a peaceful state as a means of survival.  I wish people the right kind of quiet. 

The kind of quiet that feels like a warm yellow blanket.  A permission slip that says it’s perfectly reasonable for you to not be feeling okay right now and doesn’t insist we be anything but ourselves. 
Where nature becomes a sanctuary and time softens sharp edges.  I’m wishing you the kind of quiet  that hears a gentle rain or a light breeze moving the trees; where thoughts become flowers and strife is replaced with care and understanding.

It is the healing kind of quiet that you marinate in, where you are alone but not isolated.  The type of solitude that welcomes encouragement and novelty so it doesn’t become bland.  The kind that feels safe and helps you feel put together inside.  It gives you a nice rest but doesn’t threaten your sanity.  A restorative silence that brings you contentment and joy. 

The kind of quiet that reconnects you to yourself and silence that seems to say, “Oh there you are” as you breathe in huge sighs of relief.  “Don’t worry!  I will support you.”  The kind that forgives and seems to melt away feelings of angst but not right away.  The quiet that lets you recognize your fragile state and accepts your vulnerability with gentleness and loads of self compassion. 

Where weariness is replaced with wakefulness.  Where you feel calm and serene and are gently guided back to your higher self.  A peace that helps you feel slightly more generous to your fellow occupants on planet earth whether it be a dog, a chipmunk, a charity or a dying potted plant.  It just doesn’t matter. The world needs our love.

If you’re out there struggling or in pain and feeling lonely or confused and sad I’m wishing you the right kind of quiet.  The still moments in life where you see perfectly flawed human beings living unspotless lives.  A quiet that lets you be okay with not being okay. 

Hometown News
November Issue 

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