9 Do’s and Don’ts for Great Podcasting
I appreciate podcasts and the deep dive into subjects that interest me. I seek podcasts that reflect my mood or enhance an activity I’m doing. Once in awhile I come across a Podcast that has turned me off. Unfortunately they don’t get me back. Here are the Do’s and Don’ts if you are thinking about starting your own podcast and what I listen for. 1. Short and Sweet Introductions - I believe hyping up a guest too much is just asking for trouble. I'm yawning or fast forwarding. Believe me, if we like the interview we’ll be looking them up. 2. Be Sincere – Shows like The School of Greatness by Lewis Howe . I feel his generosity and strong desire to serve. Every question he asks is for the listener. The humility of guests and hosts is what I listen for. 3. Preparation – I’m uncomfortable ...