Marijuana Good or Bad

Legal or not is pot good or bad? Arguably there’s nothing wrong with a bit of recreational pot here and there but what defines recreational? Using every day, every other day, on weekends or just special occasions? Is moderation even possible? Does it reduce anxiety or increase anxiety?

It's pretty clear that the legalization of recreational marijuana in Canada is upon yes so now what? Not only are there a host of medicinal benefits to using pot, there’s a seemingly chill population claiming it calms them down and helps them relax. It’s natural and necessary that our bodies want to alleviate stress hence a glass of wine after work. It’s quite possible we’ll now have a choice to buy pot. Pot is a popular alternative to prescription pain medication. Pot reduces nausea. It also increases your appetite and promotes sleep, two important elements for healing. Tweed in Smiths Falls continues to “grow” and from a job creation standpoint that is fantastic news.
Meanwhile, some of the best songwriters wrote their award winning songs while high. Some say “I have more patience with my kids” or “I’m a shift worker and I need to sleep.” We should debunk the myth that it’s not addictive. Of course it is. Anything that has the power to alter our moods can become a compulsive behaviour. It’s not too difficult to spot an addictive gene. Just look at your family history. If you’re barren of new ideas and coping strategies at any age it could be because you’re self medicating or you’re stressed out. Both are equally exhausting. Maybe pot provides a relief and a different mindset. I’m still on the fence about whether pot is any different than having a glass of wine. Maybe there is no difference. The question could become why do you want to change how you feel? Maybe we’re just bored and need to explore or escape. Addiction is self diagnosed. Only the man or woman in the mirror can answer that question. Is it adding to the quality of your life or has it jumped into the driver’s seat.
I reject the notion that legalizing pot would open a floodgate of wrath and trouble for kids? We’ve all been there. It’s a rite of passage for most high school kids to be introduced to marijuana. The adolescent years are for experimentation and novelty. It’s business as usual. Whether it’s a curse or a blessing there will always be people who smoke pot and people who don’t. It won’t matter whether the government gets its tax grab or not, pot is here to stay. For the Town of Smiths Falls this is very good news.


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