The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice
An old Cherokee grandfather speaking to his grandson said, “Grandson inside of me there are two wolves battling. The one wolf is about love, kindness, gratitude and joy. The other wolf is about anger, hopelessness, evil and suffering. They are battling to the death.
“Which one will win grandfather?” The wise chief looked at his wide eyed grandson and said, “the one that I feed”,
Life teaches us many lessons and we all have our own stories to tell. Some lessons are obvious and some aren’t so obvious. Some Lessons are like nuggets of wisdom that land gently and are easy to digest. Others come to us as unexpected blows to the side of the head.
The lesson that continues to show up for me every day is the power of choice.
In 2013 I read an article that deeply touched my heart. It was the Ryan Ferguson story. Ryan spent 10 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit. After many appeals lost, years of red tape and endless paperwork a lawyer read his case and agreed to represent him and he was finally aquitted in 2013 due of false evidence and testimony. 10 years behind bars and he was a free man.
I think about what that must be like for him. Would I have been that strong, patient, brave and forgiving enough to keep showing up everyday. His resilience in the face of horrific circumstances has changed me forever.
Every day we get to choose how we’re going to show up. How we are going to experience life. I heard Wayne Dyer tell a story about two women he met 1 day apart in New York City. He asked them both the same question. “How do you like living in NYC?” The one girl said. It’s awful. It’s crowded everywhere - always lined up, people are rude. It’s expensive and it’s a very cold city to live in. The next day he met the other woman. He said to her, “how do you like living in NYC?” She said, “it’s spectacular. People are so warm and friendly, there always something fun to do. You get to enjoy a variety of weather, ice skating in the winter and outdoor cafe’s in the summer. I love it”. Same world, same city, two totally different experiences.
What does that tell you? I know what it tells me. It tells me that I get to choose. I can choose to be the victim of my circumstances or I choose to be the creator of my outcomes. We can choose to focus on lack and what’s not working but were only creating more lack and what’s not working. We can choose darkness or we can choose light.
No one is coming to save you! If you want a rich full and delicious life then you must create it.
And as my husband’s 93 year old grandmother said to me once, “no matter what happens, never ever, ever, ever, ever quit”?
“The one that wins is the one you feed” Which one do you choose?


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