A Parents Prayer

This is a beautiful poem and a great reminder on how to be a wonderful parent and to raise happy healthy children.
Blessings and love to all,

A Parents’ Prayer
(by Okomfo Akua Duku)
Dear (God, Creator of your understanding).
Remind me to teach my children to call on You in times of challenges and difficulty and to thank You afterwards.
Teach me how to understand my children’s needs, to listen patiently to what they have to say, and to answer their questions with kindness and wisdom.
Help me to be as courteous, compassionate and cooperative with them, as I want them to be to me.
Heal me of all thoughts, habits and actions that lead me to shame and ridicule them when they make mistakes. May I never punish them out of spite or anger, or to show my power.
Help me to demonstrate by all that I say and do that honesty, honor and humility will produce joy.
Eliminate any meanness in me, when I am out of sorts, and help me to hold my tongue.
May I be ever mindful that my children are Your children, who are complete and perfect just as they are.
Let me not rob them of any opportunity to learn how to do things for themselves and the value of making honorable choices and decisions.
Help me to grant them all reasonable requests and give me the courage to deny them the privileges that may be harmful.
Help me to be fair, just and kind so that I will earn their love and respect.
Most of all remind me that what I can’t do for them. You can and will do.


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