A Morning Boost

Here's a morning boost - keep it handy and read it often like I do.

I choose a rich full and delicious life. I am healthy, empowered and strong, healed from all addictions and make a real effort to walk my talk. I’m experiencing incredible amounts of Joy everyday living an inspired life. I say no to things I don’t want and yes to things I do. Self love is my top priority. I don’t use self depreciating language and I don’t identify with age. I choose good thoughts that support me and recognize ones that don’t. I work on my marriage by working on myself. I don’t give parenting advice but I know what works for me. I don’t talk about God but I marinate in his holiness. Gratitude is my guiding principle and joy proceeds naturally. I spread abundant energy and avoid bad energy. I don’t look at what others are doing to measure my success. My happiness is my success. I don’t wait around for wonderful, I create it.

Many blessings,


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