Generation X versus Generation Y Employee Motivation and Productivity

Talking Points
This article discusses the differences between Generation Y and Generation X as it relates to productivity and motivation around sales and marketing employees. Sylvia Ann Hewlett is an economist and the founding president of the Center for Work-Life Policy in New York. She stated that Google really stands up in the research she has done.

They do a pretty fabulous job in showing through their workplace design and through the work teams they put together how much they value flexibility, how they value an eco-friendly, healing-the-planet environment. So they very much tap into the altruism and the need for flexibility, and even a little bit of on-site odyssey in terms of how they design the daily work environment. And I think that’s been very effective in producing a highly engaged workforce.

When searching for the right employees to generate revenue, the answers to know along with salary expectation and long term goals are what leadership style they prefer, what tools they use to stay connected and what type of workplace environment appeals to them. The workforce has dramatically shifted over the last few years as Generation Y eagerly advances up the professional ranks. Operational changes and work environments are being redefined as Baby Boomers are refusing to retire and Generation X, half its size, is squeezed in between these two giants. Understanding the primary motivators of each will help you hire the right combination of strong sales and marketing employees.

Generation X versus Generation Y Employee Motivation and Productivity

Who are you managing?

Gen Y motivation and productivity

They are called the “Trophy’s kids” the generation where everyone gets a trophy regardless of whether they win or not. Also known as the millennials, they are seen as confident, curious, entrepreneurial, goal-oriented and tech-savvy. They excel at diversity. Gen Y is less likely than older generations to hold a sense of cultural superiority. Tamara Erickson wrote in Plugged In, The Generation Y Guide to Thriving. 40% of Gen Y compared to 70% of ages 50 – 64 said yes when answering this question: “Our people aren’t perfect but our culture is superior.” They thrive in an environment of high demand and high expectations and are willing to go the extra mile and consider themselves to be highly ambitious. Stereotypes associated with Gen Y include the preference to work smarter, not harder and the desire for immediate feedback and rewards. Reward them with positive feedback and praise. Generation Y grew up with the Internet. They are writing their own contracts. Texting isn’t impersonal. It’s quick and smart. Voice mail is a waste of time; don’t even go there. They want independence along with structure. They are highly resourceful multi-taskers who love online tools. The old way is just that – the old way. They like to rewrite the rules and will provide justification for doing so. They will use technology to benefit themselves and your business, so let them. They also have a greater sense of social responsibility then previous generations. For example in a survey conducted in this study of Gen Y, 86% say it’s important that their work make a positive impact on the world.

Gen X motivation and productivity

A Gen X employee favours self-reliance, individual projects and minimal supervision. Gen X has workplace flexibility up there as a primary motivator. They have an entrepreneurial spirit, are ambitious and hardworking while still valuing work/life balance. They prefer to complete tasks quickly to free up more personal time. Gen X is about building relationships, selling face-to-face and having phone conversations. They will use technology but won’t replace it for meaningful interactions and building trust and rapport with clients. Online meetings, conference calls and work from home policies work very well to accommodate these employees.
Who are you marketing?

Selling to Gen Y

Generation Y is the largest consumer and employee group in history. Gen Y have no brand loyalty are credit dependant and respond to electronic marketing. Gen Y customers know what they want and will do their own research first. They come from a wired world and lightning fast advances in communication. Gen Y doesn’t like to waste time in meetings. InterCall's infographic "What's Traffic Jam Worth" explores productivity during inopportune times.

Selling to Gen X

Gen X are brand switchers, credit savvy and respond to target marketing. Good customer service and value are high on their priority list. Don’t expect your client to learn online tools. In fact, you’ll annoy them if you do. Gen X customers expect you to do it for them. They will give you the business and stay loyal, but expect you to earn it.


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