Inspired Living

Living an inspired life is not nearly as difficult as some people think. Many believe it’s the cards your dealt with that will determine whether your life is good or bad. I don’t agree with this at all.

I have studied principles for higher conscious living and read the biographies of so many amazing people that have overcome adversity. Writing is my passion and to deny it would be wrong. Journaling for 30 years has definitely helped me cultivate strong habits for personal growth and development. I feel very lucky and yet "luck" seems to imply there's no work involved which is totally wrong. I have suffered the consequences for mistakes I’ve made in the past. I’ve endured pain and loss and feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy. I just don’t live in that neighbourhood. I’ve let go of the sad stories, habits and language that otherwise would keep me stuck. To say I’ve done “the work” is an understatement.

There are countless examples of people who have deliciously rich and fulfilling lives that have overcome horrific circumstances. Even more popular, are people who have been well taken care of and nurtured all their life that are bitter and resentful. Circumstances mean nothing.

I refuse to accept unlucky as an excuse for why people aren’t living their fullest expression, desires or happiness. It’s not luck. It’s choice. We often mistake a tough choice with having no choice and that keeps people stuck for years. Another thing I've witnessed people doing is comparing themselves to others. That is such a waste of time and energy.

The people I connect the best with are completely honest about the way things really are in their lives. They have the courage to tell the truth and to be vulnerable. They find people that will support them and ask for the help they need. They expect nothing but the very best for themselves and they don't sit around and complain and do nothing.

Often it’s those very people who criticize the notion you can create an exceptional life that haven’t done the work. They aren’t “on the path” so to speak and change is as foreign to them as living in a new city. They’d rather stay comfortable in their old familiar pattern of misery and dysfunction then create something new. It isn't our unlucky breaks in life but how we respond to what life presents to us each day.

It isn't luck or circumstances I'm talking about. It's intention. Here's exactly what my vision looks like and I accept this moment as my starting point.

I'm not afraid of storms. I have plenty of tools in the shed and have learned how to sail my own ship.

I'm wishing the same for you in 2014. That you come to understand your own ability to create an exceptional life.

All the best in 2014


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