A Teen’s Perspective

You call it gallivanting,
we call it fun.
You call it mischief,
We call, just hanging out with our friends.
You call it disrespect,
We call sticking up our ourselves; sorry we don’t have it perfect yet.
What you call sense of entitlement,
We call providing. Is there a misunderstanding?
What you call caring, we call control.
What you call advice, we call self-righteous.
What you call rebellion, we call anger.
What you call rage, we call suffering.
What you call curfew and boundaries, we call conditional love.
“I’ll only love you if you act a certain way.”
What you call drama, we call wanting to be deeply seen.
Dear Parents: Do I have to be wrong in order for you to be right?
If lessons and mistakes make me stronger, let me make them.
I give you permission to let go.
I need emotional risk and uncertainty,
to help me find my own courage; to feel my own joy.
Do you feel yours, or are you too entrenched in raising me
that you forgot about your own life.
We see things differently,
But for now, please be less critical, more helpful and less controlling.
Anything you do for the next 5 years will be lousy.
I'll approach you if I need anything
Enjoy watching me stumble and be sure to love me through it.
I’m busy creating my future so butt out of my life,


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