Healthier Life Happier Me

Many people are under a great deal of stress. Even for myself this whole month has been a zoo. I feel pulled in a million different directions. I've had minimal time for myself or any of the people I love the most. I've been racing everywhere trying to keep up with my demanding schedule and I feel the burden of my Do To List physically running me down. How long will it last. For many people it's years and years! Not good. It is extemely unhealthy for the body to undergo constant strain. It will eventually lead to burn out, relationship problems or other serious health issues. We don't want that.
Here's what happens when you're under stress.
Signs of Stress
Inability to concentrate
Hard to listen to someone
Mind is racing
Thoughts are scattered
Breathing is quick and Shallow
neck is tight
Body aches
Posture is weak
Feel Anxious
Exhausted and sleepy
Reasons for Burn Out
When you are engaged in activities that aren't in line with those you find fulfilling and meaningful. The work drains your energy.
Allowing others expectations to determine how you spend your time.
Overlooking the importance of rest, restore, relax, and rejuvenate
Feeling overwhelmed and weighed down with burdens.
Failing to take care of yourself.
Adding more responsibility to your plate without elminating something.
Forgetting about your gratitude list.
Overlooking the importance of humour.
Getting stuck in a rut.
Forgetting about your passions.
Ways to Avoid Stress and Burn Out
List your Top 5 Values(What's most important to you about life) Make all your decisions align with that list.
Live your own life- Set boundaries-recognize the expectations of others. Decide for yourself what you'd like to do. It would be nice if everyone approved of everything you did but it's certainly not a requirement.
Slow down-Arrange things so you can have a reasonable amount of quiet everyday.
Find your hobbies and your passions and engage in them on regular basis.
The greater the demands on us the more we need to sustain our inner cool and calm. Find that quiet space today. Be completely honest with yourself about what is going on.You owe it to yourself and the people who love you.
If life has hijacked you it's time to pull in the reigns and get back on track, Today.The future is promised to no one.
love and blessings,
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