Healthier Life Happier Me

STRESS IS A KILLER Many people are under a great deal of stress. Even for myself this whole month has been a zoo. I feel pulled in a million different directions. I've had minimal time for myself or any of the people I love the most. I've been racing everywhere trying to keep up with my demanding schedule and I feel the burden of my Do To List physically running me down. How long will it last. For many people it's years and years! Not good. It is extemely unhealthy for the body to undergo constant strain. It will eventually lead to burn out, relationship problems or other serious health issues. We don't want that. Here's what happens when you're under stress. Signs of Stress Inability to concentrate Hard to listen to someone Mind is racing Thoughts are scattered Breathing is quick and Shallow neck is tight Body aches Posture is weak Feel Anxious Exhausted and sleepy Reasons for Burn Out When you are engaged in activities that aren't in line with those yo...